Native Image Performance

Lets compare the performance of GraalVM native-image and Java11 on AWS Lambda.

Quick reminder, the handler isn’t doing much at all. This project has minimal functionality and few dependencies.

public APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse handleRequest(APIGatewayV2HTTPEvent event, Context context) {

    return APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse.builder()
Test Memory Init Duration
Java 11 (Cold) 2048 MB 418.41 ms 14.71 ms
Java 11 (Warm) 2048 MB - 1.71 ms
Native Image (Cold) 256 MB 256.62 ms 12.70 ms
Native Image (Warm) 256 MB - 1.01 ms

Not only is GraalVM native-image faster, it’s faster with a vastly less resources. CPU is allocated proportionally to memory when you use AWS Lambda.