Examples showing GraalVM on AWS Lambda

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This blog post shows you an effective approach for implementing a Java-based application and compiling it into a native-image through Quarkus.

api gateway authorizer

A practical walk through of building an API Gateway Authorizer, including the full source code.

graalvm benchmark

An analysis of a real world application with and without GraalVM native-image.

AWS Lambda with Scala and GraalVM

Mateusz Stankiewicz discusses the step-by-step process he took in creating a Scala Lambda function to handle a maintenance job on a database. He uses a bash script to poll the Runtime API.

Tackling Java cold startup times on AWS Lambda with GraalVM

Arnold Galovics Writes an amazingly detailed piece about how he put together the puzzle of GraalVM on Lambda. Details of the Dockerfile he used to compile the native image as well as performance data. It really is a great read.

Fast Cold Starts for Clojure in AWS Lambda using GraalVM native-image

Esko Luontola takes us step by step how he packages his native images into a container images and runs it on AWS Lambda. His project uses the AWS Runtime Interface Client. All his project code is available on Github.

Java with Lambda does not have to be slow

29 Mar 2021

Jettro Coenradie uses Quarkus to build a low latency Lambda function with an INIT time of less than 200ms. He shows how to use CDK in combination with Quarkus to deploy to AWS.